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Hannaford Donates $25,000

Hannaford donates $25,000

By Emma Murphy
emurphy@ lowellsun. com
LOWELL » Local food banks are receiving a helping hand from Hannaford Supermarkets.
This week the supermarket chain announced it donated $ 95,000 to local food banks. The donation was part of a larger sum — $ 750,000 — that Hannaford Supermarkets donated to hunger relief and homeless outreach organizations throughout the Northeast.
“ Every day, we are learning more about the impact of this virus and responding together as a community to the COVID19 pandemic,” Hannaford President Mike Vail said in a press release. “ Our company and our associates are working hard in our grocery stores to meet the most- basic needs of our community during this difficult time: food and medicine. We hope that this donation also will help the mostvulnerable of our neighbors meet their fundamental needs of staying fed and healthy during this difficult time.”
Merrimack Valley Food Bank, located at 735 Broadway St., received $ 25,000 from Hannaford Supermarkets. Worcester County Food Bank and Greater Boston Food Bank received $ 45,000 and $ 25,000 respectively, according to the press release.
All three food banks support local food pantries and meals programs across their regions, according to a

spokesperson for Hannaford.
The Merrimack Valley Food Bank’s member agencies include the Billerica Community Pantry, Chelmsford Community Exchange, Dracut Food Pantry, the Boys & Girls Club of Lowell, Cambodian Mutual Assistance Association, Recovery Cafe in Lowell and UTEC, among many others, according to the Merrimack Valley Food Bank website.
On its website the Merrimack Valley Food Bank notes that it is operating as normal though it is taking steps to ensure the safety of its staff, volunteers and visitors.
“ The Food Bank is committed to the safety of our staff, volunteers and visitors. We are closely monitoring announcements from the U. S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to ensure that we are following their recommended guidelines,” the website reads.
On the Worcester County Food Bank’s website, the agency locator network lists multiple locations in Fitchburg and Leominster including CARE Services Food Project, Highland Baptist Church’s food pantry, Ruth’s Harvest Pantry and Spanish American Center Community Cafe.
“ Worcester County Food Bank is inspired and encouraged by the communi-ty’s outpouring of support for our mission and their neighbors struggling with food insecurity at this challenging time of the coronavirus pandemic,” Worcester County Food Bank Executive Director Jean G. McMurray said in the Hannaford press release. “ Together with our network of food pantries and community meal programs, we are providing help and hope in a time of uncertainty.”

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