Food bank to honor UMass Lowell official
The Lowell Sun
LOWELL — The Merrimack Valley Food Bank will honor Jacqueline Moloney of Chelmsford at its 21st annual golf tournament on Monday, Sept. 8, at Indian Ridge Country Club in Andover.
Moloney was appointed Executive Vice Chancellor for the University of Massachusetts Lowell in April 2007 and is the first woman to serve in the role. She has played a vital part in developing the university’s strategic plan and also oversees the university’s engagement in economic development and entrepreneurship initiatives, Student Affairs and the Division of Online and Continuing Education.
Since 2002, the Merrimack Valley Food bank has partnered with Moloney, her colleagues and students of UMass Lowell, to continue the mission of the food bank; to increase the accessibility to nutritious food for our neighbors.
Golfers may choose a morning or afternoon flight, and first preference will be for event sponsors. Non-golfers can enjoy the awards dinner at 6:30pm. Contact Debbie Callery at 978-454-7272, or via e-mail at Visit to register and for more information.
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